Positive Pregnancy Test? Now What?

Whether you have been trying for a month or years when you get a positive pregnancy test there is a range of emotions that run through your head (well that’s what I experienced). It was a feeling of disbelief, excitement, nervousness and more….

Positive What Next?

If you have been trying for a long time, it may feel that all you have been hoping for is a positive pregnancy test result and when it actually comes it’s the end result that you wanted, but in actual fact, it is just the beginning of a whole new journey…. one that takes another 8ish months. Once you have a positive test result here’s what to do next…

  1. Arrange a visit to your local GP to get a blood test to get your pregnancy 100% confirmed
  2. Your doctor will book you in for an ultrasound at around the 6-7 week mark to check that the foetus is progressing ok
  3. Calculate your due date, this is calculated from the first day of your last period – not the date of conception (if you know it), then add seven days to the date of the first day of your last period, then add nine months (approximately 280 days). Or if that sounds all too hard check out this due date calculator online.
  4. Decide on a midwife or obstetrician, your GP can probably recommend someone or ask in a mother’s group on Facebook in your area

TRY to Relax

I say TRY as it is hard to relax, if you have had previous miscarriages then you are probably feeling worried that it will happen again. This is your time to do things for you to help you relax and feel good. Here are some ideas…

  • Book yourself in for accunpuncture, this can be soooo relaxing, there are specialists who focus on pregnancy
  • Take yourself off to the spa and get a pedicure and read a trashy magazine
  • Settle in a comfy chair with a cup of herbal tea and a good book
  • Call a friend and catch up on the latest news
  • Take yourself off to the movies to watch a funny movie
  • Find a place that does pregnancy massage and book yourself in
  • Go for a walk outside and just try to enjoy your surroundings, taking in the sights, sounds and smells
  • Snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie even if it is sunny outside
  • Do a jigsaw, it really takes your mind off anything else, although can be a bit frustrating depending on your jigsawing skills!

This is just the first step in a long journey which will have ups and downs, you will worry, you will get stressed, so try to take things easy and be kind to yourself as much as you can. If you have any other tips please comment below I’d love to hear, I’m not the best relaxer either!

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